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Thursday, 5 February 2015

Owls Have Arrived!

Hey Jammers! Its Update Day!, Anyway the owls have flew in to Jamaa today and are now available at the diamond shop for 10 diamonds!

Also February 10th is Online Safety Day , Remember be Jammer not a scammer and always follow the Animal jam rules!

The Pizza Parlor won the most votes so enjoy some delish pizza at your own pizza store!

Yum Yum! Send in your pizza parlor photos to us at our email

Also, here's two new items in Jam-Mart Clothing!
A chef hat is perfect to go along with the pizza parlor theme! And the beautiful scarf back for another run!

What a hoot! the owls have there own mini book located in Appondale!

WOW! 65,000,000 valentines! AJ Rocks
Keep on going Jammers!

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